Farmville and Frustrations

So today I go and get an interview for another job since my current job is not giving me enough work.  (1 day in the last 3 weeks…)  So, my hopefully new workplace has asked for a TB Skin Test results and I just got this done with my last job when I started 3 weeks ago.  So I went to the place that administered the test to me and ask for the results.  They said they needed to get permission since the said company paid for it.  So…they call my lovely company and asked and they said no.  Jerks…(of course, I called them a lot worse than that on my ride home.)

And so now I’m so pathetic that I jumped on Farmville and harvested my patch of potatoes.  Isn’t it so lame that I even play this game?  I mean…I’m not a video game person, but this game is like the easiest and calmest game I have ever played.  I really don’t see why I waste my time with it since I think video games in general are a waste of time.

The up side to today though is I think I will be getting plenty of work soon, and since I only have about 5-10 dollars to my name, this will be great.  One of the first things I want to do with my money is get a nice professional massage.  OH YEAH….love that stuff.  I think everyone should get frequently massages for overall health and well being.

Tonight I have band practice!  I play saxophone in my community band and I really do enjoy that very much.


Thoughts on getting buff and feelin’ good…

You know…everyone once in a while I think to myself, “I want to look like that guy on Men’s Health magazine.”  And then the other half of the time I think, “No one really looks like that.” or “They must spend hours on end in the gym, have a personal trainer and nutritionist, and have great genes to top it off.”

Okay…so am I the only guy that thinks these thoughts or what?  I mean…I get in these phases where I think I’m going to change my whole body, but I honestly never get anywhere and the kick doesn’t seem to last but for more than a couple of days or something.  I spend a little money (occasionally) on whey protein or some type of equipment like the Perfect Push-up and then I don’t follow through but for a few days or a few weeks.

Do I not have the drive?  (I don’t think I do.)  So how do I get it?

Right now I feel sluggish.  I wish I had some energy but I’m just tired.  I’m not overweight…I think.  I’m about 6 foot 1 and 185lbs.  Sometimes I’m more and sometimes I’m less.  I eat moderately well.  In the mornings I have a glass of water with BarleyMax, Carrot Juice Max, and BeetMax.  (Whole-food health supplements by Hallelujah Acres.)  A few times a week I have carrot juice that a family member of mine makes.

Those are the positives, but I have some negatives that may be affecting me.  I eat fast food probably several times a week and I’m not entire sure what that is doing to me if anything.

I probably need to increase my physical exercise, but I’m not sure if I need to join the gym or just do a home program.  What do you do?  I have these 30 minute power exercise DVDs I just got.  (Or should I say stole from my mom…lol)  They are done by Tony Horton.  I have 3 of them.  One on stretching, one on abs, and the other is for thighs.  I’ve used the strethching one several times, but usually only do about 10-20 minutes of it.  The ab one I did about 15 minutes before getting tired and a bit frustrated since I don’t have a floor mat yet…(I need to invest in one of those).  The thigh DVD I have not touched yet.  After using them my back does feel a bit better when I lay or sit down…I think the stretching is very beneficial.  And the abs workout does get me to sweat so…that’s good.

I usually also go on several walks each week and play tennis on occasion.

So what is a good amount of exercise for a young adult male?  What am I missing here and what do I have to do to get myself to look and feel great?

What do you do?

Freakin’ Fax Machine is ticking me off!!

So today I tried sending in my time sheet for work…on a fax machine.  I tried like 10 times and each time it failed.  I must have been trying for at least 20 minutes.  I started loosing my patience so I called the company that I worked for and they told me their fax machine was down!  That ticked me off even more…but they gave me another number to fax it to.  So I tried that new number and it didn’t work either!!  I gave up after two tries and went stormin’ out the door.  (Later I just mailed my time sheet in…even though it was due today.)

Usually, I don’t get so angry about things like that…but I was today.  Do you ever get like that?

You know, I even find myself on occasion getting angry over absolutely nothing.  (I don’t honestly know what is bothering me.  Is that just weird or what?)  Usually when I feel like that I go and do some type of physical exercise and that helps my mood.

Maybe I have underlining stress that is getting to me.  The fact that I’m not really sure what I want to do with my life…and the fact I feel I should be in school right now.  Baaaaah!

But things will work out!  I must keep on a positive note!

And that is my ramble for the day!

Old Dreams…New Perspective

I just had an enjoyable evening with two of my best friends and they have been my friends for a long time.  (Ever since about the 3rd grade) and I’m now 23.  We went to see the Social Network and I thought it was a pretty interesting movie.  At first I thought I was going to be really annoyed by it because the actor that was playing Mark Z. was really annoying and talking really fast and being really obnoxious.  I don’t blame the chick for dumping him, but whatever.  That’s not really what this blog is about.

This blog is about an old dream that my two friends that I spent this evening with had.  And it was to open a youth center in our community.  We basically wanted a place for the kids to go after school.  And to be able to go for free.  What little entertainment we do have in our little town does cost money and it doesn’t always appeal to the teens.

And so we set out to make this dream of ours happen.  We even tried starting a committee and doing a fundraiser.  Even looking at real estate.  We were really excited, but it was hard to kick off the ground and it never really went that far.  The local newspaper would not even feature the fundraiser because they basically said we were doomed for failure.  That really ticked me off but that’s aside from the point really.

Talking with my friend tonight, he mentioned that we need money and influence to accomplish something like that.  It kind of brought me down a little bit…dampened my good feelings.

Nevertheless, we still think opening a youth center would be awesome.

I also mentioned this idea I got from an acquaintance about opening a Free Store.  Like the Goodwill Store where people donate things except the people get these items for free.  I guess in an ideal world that would be great wouldn’t it?  But I’m just not sure the world has enough love to keep something like that going without something bad happening.

And so I wonder…….where am I going in life and what can I accomplish?  I feel like I should be doing something really worthwhile and bring some original ideas for the betterment of the world.

I’m also at somewhat of a spiritual standstill.  I’m not really sure what I believe anymore other than I do feel like there is life beyond this.  It’s so weird because I was a very dedicated member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I even served a mission and now I hardly go to church at all.  I’m somewhat tired of it and I guess I first got tired of hearing the same thing over and over.  It became somewhat numbing.  My prayers even seemed like the same prayers and I never felt like I had anything real to say to God.  I even feel like those spiritual feelings I had in my head before that I thought were conceived by the Holy Ghost were actually just feelings that I created myself….created sometimes out of the desperation for confirmation.

All in all I still feel like I have the same spirit about myself.  That I want to help others and I want to be good.  I want to find what I am really meant to do.